Remember the Led Zeppelin song, “Stairway to Heaven.”* Well, that’s what I heard when I painted this stairway to Heaven. To this day—whenever I think of this painting—I still hear God using the song’s lyrics to awaken and activate me as a believer. Even though Led Zeppelin may have had an entirely different motive and perspective when he wrote it—I believe God, the source of all creativity, would like us to take a closer look at what He might say through the lyrics. The following is my version of what God personally shared with me.

It begins with a lady who believes if it glitters it is gold. Right away—I’m taken back to a memory when I was first experiencing the Holy Spirit outpouring in Toronto, Canada. I was like a kid in a candy store and I was without shame. All I wanted was more, more, more! I fell more deeply in love with Jesus and the Spirit of God than I had ever been before. In reflection—I was that lady who believed if it looked like gold—I mean God—it was. I know I was new to the things of the Spirit at the time—but I simply had to run after Him with all that was within me and I’m so very glad I did.  It was life changing for me and the reason I’m here telling His stories through prophetic art today. I saw others holding back, being more reserved, mature, maybe even a bit skeptical—but I could not stay there with them. You see—there was a fountain of living water sparkling in the Son light and I just wanted to splash and play until I was completely saturated, soaked and filled. It was the most wonderful experience I had ever know and I knew I could not live without knowing the Holy Spirit more. As a result—I became the lady who believes that God can be found. I experienced Him intensely everywhere I turned. I was sold out on looking for Him in every waking moment. It was life giving and invigorating, and it gave me great joy. Everywhere I turned—if it glittered I saw and experienced God. You see—I was investing in and building a faith stairway to heaven. I knew—with the word of God and with Jesus—I could get what I was looking for. There were signs everywhere. Yes—I checked them out—one by one—to be sure they were really Him. I gained much wisdom and understanding in the process and I was not deceived. I loved that part of it. It caused me to go deep into the things of God and His Word.

Continuing to reference the lyrics of “Stairway to Heaven”—as unusual as it may sound—I have a songbird who comes and sings right outside my window when the Holy Spirit is calling me to spend time with Him. I’ve come to know—through experience—that when the songbird sings it’s a good time for revelation. Holy Spirit knows exactly when I need His counsel about any thoughts I have that are misgiven or in need of clarity, insight, and revelation. His faithfulness to do that for me really does make me wonder. It’s so good that it often makes me long for the days of being with Him in Heaven. I think of those who’ve gone before me—the angels, the great cloud of witnesses, and their voices as they stand watching us. I want to sing the new tune with the choir of Heaven in perfect harmony led by Jesus—not the pied piper of this world. I am so looking forward to the dawning of that new day coming as I run my race on earth and endure its hardships. I know it will come and the whole earth—including all nature—will reverberate with laughter. As a matter of fact—all creation will rejoice with singing.

In the meantime—I’m here and there’s a bit more work to be done both in me and through me. It’s not always easy. Sometimes there’s trouble in the briar patch that catches me off guard in an alarming sort of way. But God is always good and will see me through the long run as I choose to stay on His path. He never leaves or forsakes me. On the contrary—He constantly calls you and me to join Him. I’m so thankful for the wind of His Spirit showing me the way that leads to life eternal in the here and now. I do believe my stairway to Heaven is found in the whisper of God’s wind. As I journey on down the path with Him—my spirit’s shadow grows taller and stronger than my soul. I will radiate more and more of His perfectly white light as I grow. I am a living witness and a testimony of His transforming power—His glory and His goodness. I pray that my light will shine that others might be drawn to Him—the rock and joy of my salvation. That is why I am still buying that which is pure gold and climbing the spiritual stairway to heaven.

     * Led Zeppelin. “Stairway to Heaven.” Jimmy Page, composer/producer. Robert Plant, composer. Album: “Led Zeppelin IV.” Atlantic Records, Los Angeles, CA. 1971. CD. 

By, Ginger E. Mosher

​© All rights reserved by Ginger E. Mosher

Stairway to Heaven